Screening for Exclusion from Participation in Federal Health Care Programs

About Us

MA-Check was designed to streamline the process of meeting compliance standards for the Medicaid Exclusion screening to avoid exclusion from participation in Federal Health Care Programs.

NPI Verification and NPI Name Search are also services provided to ensure full compliance.


MA-Check is examining the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) and the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) to cover the federal search requirements. We also have access to several state specific exclusion lists and we are continuing to add more state lists weekly. Click here to see the current databases that are covered by MA-Check. If you have a question regarding a specific state, please contact us at info@gocodesk.com


Whether you have large amounts of data or small, the ability to accurately and efficiently report the information is critical to achieving compliance. MA-Check reduces the amount of time required to find the data that you need by providing simple, clean and straightforward reports.